الجمعة، 18 نوفمبر 2016

Module 3a , Vocabulary & Grammar 2 .. ثاني ثانوي الفصل الاول

Module 3a , Vocabulary & Grammar 2 ..
Describe a picture use strong adjectives ( very + adjective ) :

Strong Adjectives
Very angry
1- Alex was furious with Tom because he damaged his new car .
Very scared
2- Jim is terrified of spiders; whenever he sees one , he calls for help .
Very pleased
3- Ahmed was delighted to win the teacher of the Year Award .
Very tasty
4- Betty made a delicious strawberry cheesecake for desert .
Very surprised
5- I was amazed when I saw a skyscraper for  the first time .
Very tired

6- After working for nearly 14 hours, Sami was exhausted when he returned home .

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