الاثنين، 21 مارس 2016

Confused words .. Module 4 Traveller 2 .. اول ثانوي الفصل الثاني

Confused words ..

Confused words
Not having enough money .
1- Short .
Having no money .
1- Broke .
To receive sth which belong to someone
2- Borrow
To give something to someone .
2- Lend .
A small piece of metal .
3- Coin .
Apiece of paper money .
3- Note .
A request for payment of money paid .
4- Receipt
A request for payment of money owed
4- Bill .
To put money aside so you can buy sth with it in the future
5- Save .
To be able to buy sth because you have enough money .
5- Afford .

Confused words ..

Confused words
Not having enough money .
1- Short .
Having no money .
1- Broke .
To receive sth which belong to someone
2- Borrow
To give something to someone .
2- Lend .
A small piece of metal .
3- Coin .
Apiece of paper money .
3- Note .
A request for payment of money paid .
4- Receipt
A request for payment of money owed
4- Bill .
To put money aside so you can buy sth with it in the future
5- Save .
To be able to buy sth because you have enough money .
5- Afford .

Confused words ..

Confused words
Not having enough money .
1- Short .
Having no money .
1- Broke .
To receive sth which belong to someone
2- Borrow
To give something to someone .
2- Lend .
A small piece of metal .
3- Coin .
Apiece of paper money .
3- Note .
A request for payment of money paid .
4- Receipt
A request for payment of money owed
4- Bill .
To put money aside so you can buy sth with it in the future
5- Save .
To be able to buy sth because you have enough money .
5- Afford .

Confused words ..

Confused words
Not having enough money .
1- Short .
Having no money .
1- Broke .
To receive sth which belong to someone
2- Borrow
To give something to someone .
2- Lend .
A small piece of metal .
3- Coin .
Apiece of paper money .
3- Note .
A request for payment of money paid .
4- Receipt
A request for payment of money owed
4- Bill .
To put money aside so you can buy sth with it in the future
5- Save .
To be able to buy sth because you have enough money .
5- Afford .

1 Tr. Muna ..