السبت، 22 أكتوبر 2016

Module 2a Vocabulary ( collocation ) Grammar ( relative clause ) ثاني ثانوي الفصل الاول

 ( Module 2a Vocabulary ( collocation ) Grammar ( relative clause      

Vocabulary 2a ..

Grammar 2a ..

Relative Pronouns
Refer to people
Refer to animal or things
Refer to place
Refer to time
Refer to reason
Refer to possession
Refer to people or things

Relative Clauses :

1- No comma .
2- use that instead of ( who and which )
Give information which is needed to understand the meaning of the sentence .
1- Find commas .
2- Can't use that .
Give extra information about the person, thing or idea they refer to

Exercise on Relative Clauses (Contact clauses)
Relative clauses - defining or non-defining?
Study the situations and then decide whether the following relative clauses are defining or non-defining.
defining – no commas
non-defining – commas
1.                I have three brothers.
 My brother who lives in Sidney came to see me last month.
 My brother, who lives in Sidney, came to see me last month.
2.                I have one sister.
 My sister who is 25 years old spent her holiday in France.
 My sister, who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France.
3.                Bob's mum has lost her keys.
 Bob's mum who is a musician has lost her car keys.
 Bob's mum, who is a musician, has lost her car keys.
4.                My friend Jane moved to Canada.
 My friend Jane whose husband is Canadian moved to Canada last week.
 My friend Jane, whose husband is Canadian, moved to Canada last week.
5.                I am a shoe fanatic.
 The shoes which I bought yesterday are very comfortable.
 The shoes, which I bought yesterday, are very comfortable.

 Tr. Muna ..