.. First Oral Test Second Year First Term
004 - MODULE 01 LESSON A LISTENING AND SPEAKING ACT B ثاني ثانوي الفصل الاول
استمعي ياابنتي للمقطع رقم 4 وحاولي فهم واستيعاب المحادثه , اختبار لجميع الفصول 2 / 2 ادبي
2 / 2 علمي
2 / 1 علمي .
test . module 1 . traveller 3 ..
Name/……………………………………………………………………………………….. class/
Choose the correct answers :
1- The conversation held
between …. a- 2
persons . b- 4 persons . c- 5
persons .
2- They talked about ………..
a- Latin language . b- English language . c- French language .
3- English Language is used at …… a- a major advising . b- a major relation . c- a major sporting .
4- More than ………of the content of the Internet is in English . a- 75%
. b- 37% .
c- 55% .
5- English language is … a-
poor language . b- growing language
. c- non communicate
language .
test . module 1 . traveller 3 ..
Name/……………………………………………………………………………………….. class/
Put ( T ) OR ( F ) :
1- Faisal is the first character in the conversation .
( )
2- There are three people in the world speak English . (
3- 75 million letters and postcards in English are sent every day
. ( )
4- Very few non-native
speakers of English write in English .
( )
5- English is a language of the world . ( )
test . module 1 . traveller 3 ..
Name/……………………………………………………………………………………….. class/
Match A with B :
1- The conversation is held in …..
a- In Future .
2- English language is used as…….. b-one billion people
learning English .
3- There are under………
c- radio station .
Mandarin might be used English on the Internet . d- English .
5- Many articles and blogs on the Internet are in e- major sporting
events .
. Muna ..
بالتوفيق للجميع ..